Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome To The 2014-2015 School Year!

I am very excited to begin the school year! There is a lot in store for our artists including the creation and installation of a permanent mosaic wall-which will be beautiful at its completion. Students in all grades will be creating and learning about various artists, mediums, and art periods. Students will create 3D works, 2D works, ceramics, sculptures, drawings, paintings, printmaking, to name just a few.

In all of my art classes every student is safe to create, learn, and most importantly make mistakes. I believe every single student will not only reach their individualized goals, but surpass them through hard work, dedication, and my belief in them, which shows every single day in my art room. :)

All of my students have a chance to earn a free art day as according to "Class Dojo". Class Dojo is all online and is a rewards systems that allows students and myself to see how everyone is doing in art class. I can reward students for following the preset expectations. At the end of each day Class Dojo will let my students know and myself know how well they did. Every time the students have a great day in art class (as shown by Class Dojo) students earn a crayon in their class crayon box. Once their crayon boxes are full the whole class will have a free art day!

I look forward to seeing all of my students on the first day of school!

-Miss Fisichella :)