Thursday, January 29, 2015

4th Grade Castles...In Progress!

We have been really busy at DIS! Currently our huge mosaic project is close to being ready to install at the Riverfront Park! The mosaic will be 255 feet long! In between working on cutting tiles, glazing tiles, and firing tiles, 4th graders have been busy learning about form, texture, and shape, as well as how to include these three elements in a castle design drawing challenge. 

4th grade students studied various castles from Germany, Japan, and Spain. Students were then given the design challenge to design their own castle while using Germany, Japan and Spain castles as inspiration. 

Finally before students were able to begin drawing their castles students practiced drawing different individual 3D forms including spheres, triangular prisms, rectangular prisms, cubes, cones, and cylinders. Students were so impressed with themselves when they realized they could successfully creating drawings that appeared to jump off the page-as if they were 3D. ;) 

Below are images of the beginning stages of our castle drawing design challenge. Students will be adding color, as well as creating an atmosphere for their castles using tempera paint.