Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Kevin Lehman's First Visit to DIS

Today was a very exciting day in art class for the students at DIS.  Kevin Lehman, our Artist in Residence was with us in school! Kevin Lehman is a very well known local artist who has a lot of knowledge and expertise to share with our students, especially for such a large scale mosaic project.

The students had a lot of questions for Mr. Lehman, but the students were also working hard to take 900+ designs and create one final design to use for the mosaic.

Mr. Lehman first had all of the students' sketches spread out on the tables. Then, Mr. Lehman had the students come up with different categories for the different sketches such as "landscape", "activities", and man-made objects to name a few categories the students were able to come up with.

From the different groups the students came up with even more specific items such as specific trees, specific flowers, and specific animals to include in the final mosaic design. The students will be conducting some research before we move ahead. The students' research will be on finding out about even more specific animals, historic buildings, and plants in order to make sure our mosaic is illustrating our specific area and environment.

Enjoy the pictures below from today's events!
The students really enjoyed working with Mr. Lehman!!

Brainstorming with Mr. Lehman-more specific objects to be put in our mosaic 

Some of the student sketches before they were organized into categories 

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