Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Third Week Update

I can't believe we are moving in to the third week of school! Time flies when you are having fun! We are very busy creating our thumbnail sketches (the students learned how to create small thumbnail sketches) as well as our final designs for the large Riverfront Park mosaic project. I will post pictures of some of the final designs when students finish them up in approximately a week. We are getting excited for our Artist in Residence who is coming soon to help us with the mosaic project!

In the meantime I decided to share some pictures of the art rooms at DIS as well as some of the bulletin boards I have created at the beginning of the year. I hope you enjoy the pictures, some of the bulletin boards were from Pinterest- awesome place to look for such things as bulletin boards.

Last year I had my second graders complete drawings of themselves in third grade. I their third grade self portraits hanging up for students to see on the first day of school. 

This bulletin board idea was a Pinterest find. I put my own twist on it, and the parents and students love the color as well as the saying, "Paint you own future" 

"Show me the Mona" is what I say when I need the students' attention for clean-up, when I need to give a set of directions, or when I need to give corrections. Another art teacher in the district knew I used "Show me the Mona" and created this sign and I love it! 

 On the first day of art class we found our art seats, went over rules and expectations, and then we were able to play with various art supplies to create, "The world is your canvas". Students practiced masking techniques, collage techniques, as well as practiced working together as a team. 

A picture of most of the third and fourth grade art room.

A close-up of my "Be Yourself" sign. I also covered styrofoam board I found with fabric and then hung the fabric covered styrofoam on the wall with command strip to give the wall some color. :) 

This is the third and fourth grade "Super Art Heroes" bulletin board. On the bottom of the bulletin board you will notice there are several crayon boxes. Each class has a crayon box. The students earn crayons by showing me respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors. The students have a goal of sixteen crayons-which fills up the crayon box. When the crayon box is filled the students receive a free art day! 

The second part of the third and fourth grade art room. The word wall is hanging on my cabinets. 

A picture of part of the fifth and sixth grade art room. 

More of the fifth and sixth grade art room. On the board there are art easels which spell our art. If the students are too loud the A is taken away and on the back of the easel it states "warning". If the students have another letter taken away-the r- on the back of the r it says five minutes of silence. If the last letter is taken away-the t- students have the rest of the class in silence. This was also a Pinterest find! 

My Elements and Principles bulletin board int the fifth and sixth grade art room. 

"Bee Art Smart" 

The rest of the fifth and sixth grader art room. 

My supply closest in the fifth and sixth grade classrooms were designed to not have doors, but I really wanted something which "blocked" the students from go into the supply closets due to safety, so I decided to buy the curtains you see in the picture above. 

This bulletin board hangs between the music room and my fifth and sixth grade art room. :) 

Thanks for visiting my page! Leave a comment if you are wondering about any of the pictures above. 

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